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Nauta Hogar

Since 2016 customers residing in Cuba have the option of accessing the ADSL Internet from home through the service Etecsa provides, Nauta Hogar

Now, ETECSA has enabled the possibility that customers of the Nauta Hogar service can pay their monthly fee and extend the browsing time using the balance of their Nauta permanent account.

Check how to send a Nauta top-up using the Ding app here


How you can pay the Nauta monthly fee?

After receiving a Nauta recharge, the person en Cuba must follow the next steps:

  1. Access the Internet browser that you have on your computer (PC or laptop) and the authentication page "Nauta Hogar" will automatically be displayed. If it is not displayed, open a new tab and type in the browser bar the name of a site (Ex: to display this authentication page.
  2. Enter your username and password.

  3. Select Transferir Saldo > Pago de cuota Nauta Hogar



Benefits of Nauta Hogar:

  • Internet access from the comfort of your home.
  • It allows you to talk on the phone at the same time as you surf the Internet.
  • The possibility of finding the navigation speed that best suits your needs.
  • The associated Nauta account can also be used, from wifi areas and navigation rooms.

How you can access the Nauta Hogar service?

  • Etecsa will contact the customers to offer them the service according to the capacities of the network in their area of residence.
  • The formalization of the service is established by signing a contract between the client and ETECSA.
  • If the received has a Nauta account (with domain, prior to Nauta Hogar's request, it is associated with the service; otherwise, ETECSA will enable you an account as part of the offer.

To have the service Nauta customers need:

  • Reside in any of the areas where the service is sold.
  • Have an active telephone service.
  • A telephone set with the technical conditions that allow establishing a link for the transmission of data and the use of the service.


Find more information about Nauta Hogar here


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