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What's a bank authorisation hold?

When you purchase a top-up with Ding, we may place a temporary authorization hold for the upfront price of the transaction on your payment method. On your payment method, it appears as a pending charge. This is a standard business procedure.

If the transaction is successful, this authorization hold becomes a charge on the final amount, but if the transaction fails, the money is reversed within 2 to 7 working days.


Why did I receive notification from my bank before the top-up was received?

The authorization hold is placed when attempting to send the top-up. Some banks may send a text message notification that an authorization hold has been placed on your account. This hold is made to make sure that your payment method works correctly and also has enough funds to cover the payment of the transaction that you are sending.

Although sometimes these resemble actual charges, don’t worry, the authorization hold will become the actual charge or will be canceled by your bank in a few days.


What happens if the operator is not available or the top-up fails?

If the transaction fails for any reason, the authorization hold will be removed/reversed immediately. The charge can show up right away or up until the day your account statement is published, depending on your bank's policies. When you check the charge, you’ll see the hold stays in pending status, until it disappears from your account. Typically, it takes 2-7 business days for this reversal to complete but this will depend on your bank.

Please contact your bank if you have any inquiries about the authorization holds policy, which varies depending on the bank.

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